Etsunen Keiko

New Year's Eve Aikido Celebration

Ring in 2017 feeling centered, peaceful, and in harmony with your dojo-mates and friends.

Aikidaily International Academy, #205 - 1201 Commercial Way, Squamish

AND... via FACEBOOK LIVE for our International Friends

Etsunen Keiko 2017

Time: December 31, 11pm - 2am

Class: 11:30pm-12:30pm

Celebration: 12:30 - 2am

Potluck: Please bring refreshment and light snack. Sake provided.

Clothing for Aikido Participants (newbies welcome): dogi or sweats & t-shirt.


Sleep-over: BYO Sleeping Bags and pajammies.

Pancake Breakfast & Coffee provided

Morning practice anyone? Brisk forest walk?

We are super pleased to bring to Squamish this unique way to ring in the New Year direct from the Aikikai World Headquarters in Japan.

Every year, the Aikikai World Headquarters hosts a very special tradition called "Etsunen Keiko" (year-end practice). Aikido practitioners gather from far and wide to train together during the last half hour of one year and first half hour of the next year.  After class they celebrate the start of the year with light snacks and Japanese sake.

We had the great pleasure of participating in last year's Etsunen Keiko in Tokyo and it was a blast. Over 200 Aikidoka and their families gathered to train and celebrate. Grant Babin Sensei and I are thrilled to offer this unique part of the Japanese martial arts culture to our Squamish community and Vancouver Aiki-friends with our very first Etsunen Keiko.

Come for an hour, stay for some cheer, or spend the night and wake up in good company. Let's make 2017 our favourite year yet!

Register on Facebook:

Register via email:

Please spread the word to all Aikido practitioners on the lower mainland and martial artists in Squamish.